Title: Sporting Life and expectations
Director:Ben Dickerson
Synopsis: For my short film i will be making a documentary on RWS rugby academy. This will be me following the through their training and school life and how they cope with the demands of training and keeping their grades up. I will be following a two of the main characters around school and whilst they are training and asking them about what they are finding difficult and what they like about it. The characters will be one who has been at the school all his secondary school life and one who had just come to the school, this is because it will give me two different points of views on the school and the rugby academy.
Director:Ben Dickerson
Synopsis: For my short film i will be making a documentary on RWS rugby academy. This will be me following the through their training and school life and how they cope with the demands of training and keeping their grades up. I will be following a two of the main characters around school and whilst they are training and asking them about what they are finding difficult and what they like about it. The characters will be one who has been at the school all his secondary school life and one who had just come to the school, this is because it will give me two different points of views on the school and the rugby academy.
The documentary will start out with the undertone of the rugby coach shouting at the team with a action shot of the team in training. This will then have the titles of the director and the name of the documentary fade in with the team training still in the background. It will then move on to a close up of the team training and close ups on the main characters (Lewis Tear and Adrain Briffa) training. the next shot will be them going into the changing rooms and just talking about what they felt about the training sessions they had just done. The film will then move onto the common room and videoing the characters revising and asking them about how they are finding their school life and talking about how they feel about their studies. I will then move on to videoing their teachers and asking them about what they think about the characters and will then carry that on to their coaches and ask them what they think of the players. The documentary will end with a clips of a game where the characters playing and with them walking of into the changing rooms.
Who are the target audience? My target audience will be mainly sports enthusiast with a interest in rugby. This is because my documentary has a specific topic of which not everyone would enjoy but being a documentary and not a film people might like it as it is factual and not fictional. I believe people that are interested in rugby will enjoy watching this short documentary as it is a very specific topic and will learn of life for young sportsmen of today.
Which short films have you looked at to help you get ideas?I used a short film called 'Sign Language' on youtube. I used this as an inspiration for my short film as it is the same length as what my short film will be and it is a documentary. This short film has a few messages that it gets across to its audience like such things as noticing the smaller more beautiful things in life rather than all the big fancy stuff.
What message do you hope the audience will understand from your film?The message i want my audience to understand is that most young people that are involved in sports are happy with their lives but also face a lot of challenges on and off the field. This would be me desired message as i believe that in todays world young people are considered lazy and un-organised which i personally believe to be wrong, i feel that this interpretation of young people is wrong and that there are many young people becoming more mature through sports and having to organise their school work with their sport.
Setting(s): In Ravens Wood school.
Cast:Lewis Tear and Adrain Briffa with other players from the rugby academy
Crew:Ben Dickerson
Which short films have you looked at to help you get ideas?I used a short film called 'Sign Language' on youtube. I used this as an inspiration for my short film as it is the same length as what my short film will be and it is a documentary. This short film has a few messages that it gets across to its audience like such things as noticing the smaller more beautiful things in life rather than all the big fancy stuff.
What message do you hope the audience will understand from your film?The message i want my audience to understand is that most young people that are involved in sports are happy with their lives but also face a lot of challenges on and off the field. This would be me desired message as i believe that in todays world young people are considered lazy and un-organised which i personally believe to be wrong, i feel that this interpretation of young people is wrong and that there are many young people becoming more mature through sports and having to organise their school work with their sport.
Setting(s): In Ravens Wood school.
Cast:Lewis Tear and Adrain Briffa with other players from the rugby academy
Crew:Ben Dickerson
I'm happy with the idea Ben and would now like you to give me more details on the 'story' of the documentary and how it will flow. How will it start? How is it held together? How will you show the challenges on camera? How will it end? You need to have a vision in your head for this so you can explain it in more detail to me. Redraft for Friday please.