Monday, November 1, 2010

Essay 2 Feedback

Your essay writing is really showing signs of progress. This essay is a top end Level 3 (B-) with the potential to be level 4 (A) with further development. I have copied and pasted it, then added in adjustments in red (post below) so you can see how you could have achieved an A. I would now like you write the essay again, using my adjustments and suggestions. Well done.

Level 4
Explanation/analysis/argument (16-20 marks)
Candidates adapt their learning to the specific requirements of the chosen question in excellent fashion and make connections in order to present a coherent argument. The answer offers a clear, fluent balance of media theories and knowledge of industries and texts and informed personal engagement with issues and debates.
Use of examples (16-20 marks)
Examples of theories, texts and industry knowledge are clearly connected together in the answer. History and the future are integrated into the discussion with conviction.
Use of terminology (8-10 marks)
Throughout the answer, material presented is informed by contemporary media theory and the command of the appropriate conceptual and theoretical language is excellent.
Complex issues have been expressed clearly and fluently using a style of writing appropriate to the complex subject matter. Sentences and paragraphs, consistently relevant, have been well structured, using appropriate technical terminology. There may be few, if any, errors of spelling, punctuation and grammar.

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